Kingdom hearts steam
Kingdom hearts steam

While the North American version will likely rely solely on English voiceovers and English text, the European version will have a slightly different set of options:

kingdom hearts steam

The Western version of the game will be released on September 10, 2013. This marks the first time Kingdom Hearts Final Mix will be released outside of Japan and the first time Re: Chain of Memories will be available in Europe. On February 25th 2013, it was announced that the collection would be coming to North America and Europe in addition to Japan. A third Playstation 3 theme will be unlocked if the player watches all the cutscenes from 358/2 Days. It has been revealed that one custom Playstation 3 theme each will be unlockable by completing both games. These new arrangements were over seen by series composer Yoko Shimomura. The collection contains 66 rearranged/remixed music tracks across the three games (the majority of which were done for Kingdom Hearts Final Mix though) recorded with live instruments. However, redone HD cutscenes and even new scenes are available for view in the game, adding up to approximately 3 hours (2 hours and 50 minutes) of footage. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is not playable due to the complications of porting a DS game's control scheme to a home console.

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Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories is mostly the same game it was on the PS2, but has some minor visual changes. For a full breakdown of what those changes are please consult the Kingdom Hearts game page. This version of the original Kingdom Hearts not only contains all of the additions and enhancements added to the PS2 version of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix but also contains a number of brand new gameplay tweaks based on later entries in the series. The game will also include HD versions of scenes from 358/2 Days that can be viewed in a movie player.

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Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix is a PS3 compilation of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, as well as Re: Chain of Memories in which both games have trophy support.

Kingdom hearts steam